  • The Hansen Foundation





Hope blossoms where the Hansen Foundation plants its seeds. Every day, we're not just saving lives; we're transforming humanity—one person, one day at a time. Our mission is deeply rooted in supporting adults recovering from addiction, but our vision for 2024 is even more ambitious. We're inviting you to be a part of this journey.

More Ways To Give:
Bequests in Will or Living Trusts
Appreciated Securities: mutual funds, stocks, bonds
QCD (Qualified Charitable Distribution)
If you want to learn more about these giving opportunities, please call 609-965-3700

As a 501(c)(3) organization, any gift size is greatly appreciated and tax deductible.


Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

To make a donation by check, mail to:

The Hansen Foundation 
572 S. Odessa Ave
Egg Haror City NJ 08215

Tax ID #31-1667973

Please indicate the event, fund, etc. 


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